List of Sugar Names & Sugar Facts

List of Sugar Names & Sugar Facts
This long list of sugar names also includes the sugar facts that can help you uncover the many hidden sugars that are tucked away everywhere in our foods today.

Food and beverage manufacturers in cahoots with the sugar industry consistently look for new sugar names to add to their long sugar list. Why do they go to such sneaky lengths to hide more and more high glycemic sugars in commercial foods? Because sugar is addictive!

And once they've got us hooked as sugar addicts, we constantly crave more and more sweets for our sugar-fix. Even though we know it's bad for us, sugar addiction is very difficult to control.

Sugar Facts about Hidden Sugars

Some of the major sources of highly refined grains and hidden sugars that cause high glycemic blood sugar problems are: sodas, ketchup, cereals, fruit juice, jams, jellies, canned fruit, prepared foods, ice cream, cookies, candy, cakes, pies, pastries and most other desserts.

Processed starches that behave like sugar in your body are white flour, white rice, pasta (unless the flour is listed as 100% whole wheat), enriched flour, tapioca, cornstarch and processed breakfast cereals.

The most common names for sugar are: barley malt, corn syrup, dextrose, fruit juice concentrate, glucose, high-fructose corn syrup, maltodextrin, maltose, molasses, raw sugar, sucrose and turbinado sugar.

Here's a more complete sugar list with 69 sugar names.

List of Sugar Names

1. Agave nectar
2. Barbados Sugar
3. Barley malt
4. Beet sugar
5. Blackstrap molasses
6. Brown sugar
7. Buttered syrup
8. Cane crystals
9. Cane juice crystals
10. Cane sugar
11. Caramel
12. Carob syrup
13. Castor sugar
14. Confectioner’s sugar
15. Corn syrup
16. Corn sweetener
17. Corn syrup solids
18. Crystalline fructose
19. Date sugar
20. Demerara Sugar
21. Dextrin
22. Dextran
23. Dextrose
24. Diastatic malt
25. Diatase
26. D-mannose
27. Evaporated cane juice
28. Ethyl maltol
29. Florida Chrystals
30. Free Flowing
31. Fructose
32. Fruit juice
33. Fruit juice concentrate
34. Galactose
35. Glucose
36. Glucose solids
37. Golden sugar
38. Golden syrup
39. Granulated sugar
40. Grape sugar
41. Grape juice concentrate
42. HFCS
43. High-fructose corn Syrup
44. Honey
45. Icing sugar
46. Invert sugar
47. Lactose
48. Malt syrup
49. Maltodextrin
50. Maltose
51. Mannitol
52. Maple syrup
53. Molasses
54. Muscovado sugar
55. Organic raw sugar
56. Panocha
57. Powdered sugar
58. Raw sugar
59. Refiner’s syrup
60. Rice Syrup
61. Sorbitol
62. Sorghum syrup
63. Sucrose
64. Sugar
65. Syrup Syrup
66. Table sugar
67. Treacle
68. Turbinado sugar
69. Yellow sugar

The sugar industry is constantly coming up with new sugar names. So be on guard for new hidden sugars with insulin spiking ingredients.

Are Artificial Sweeteners a Safe Sugar Substitute?

Artificial sweeteners are often accused of causing cancer, headaches and other health problems. But who knows how many of these unsubstantiated stories are intentionally spread by the powerful, aggressive and heavily government subsidized sugar industry to undermine their competition.

It's something to seriously consider. There's certainly no sound scientific evidence to back up the rumors that any of the U.S. approved artificial sweeteners cause cancer. And there are many studies confirming the safety of these sugar substitutes for the general population.

However, there's some evidence that people who consume large quantities of diet sodas tend to gain weight. But this is probably due to the sugar substitutes sweet taste causing sugar cravings for junk foods.

Artificial sweeteners main benefits are: they don't negatively affect blood sugar and they're calorie-free. Approved artificial sweeteners are:

Artificial Sweetener Names with acceptable daily intake equal to:
  • Aspartame (NutraSweet, Equal - 18 to 19 cans of diet cola
  • Saccharin (Sweet'N Low, SugarTwin) - 9 to 12 packets of sweetener
  • Acesulfame K (Sunett, Sweet One) - 30 to 32 cans of diet soda
  • Sucralose (Splenda) - 6 cans of diet cola
If you’re concerned about artificial sweeteners, you can try Stevia, a natural sugar substitute.

Of course, once you give up sugar and your taste buds adjust, the best sugar substitutes are fresh fruits and vegetables and other healthy complex carbohydrates and high fiber foods.

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Articles you might also enjoy:
The Healthiest Fruit List of Fruits
How to Control Blood Sugar Naturally
Complex Carbohydrates List of Healthy Carbs
Sugar Addicts Guide to Overcoming Sugar Addiction

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Note: The information contained on this website is not intended to be prescriptive. Any attempt to diagnose or treat an illness should come under the direction of a physician who is familiar with nutritional therapy.

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